Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is Love Enough To Stay With Someone?

I've been through a situation very much like yours. You love him more than anything, but he gets on your nerves and you fight constantly/always getting annoyed with each other to the point of where you want to just leave him, but than when it actually comes down to it, you can't imagine life without him. I know exactly how you feel. It might sound kind of lame, but I'd make a pros/cons list about staying with him. Imagine what your life would be like being broken imagine not hanging out, talking everyday and the little things like that. Which one seems more appealing to you? You might stay with him because you feel like you're never going to find someone else, you can't imagine being with someone else, noone compares to him or you are scared you won't get over it. But DON'T stay with him just because you have been together for 3 years. If you think that things are going to change..I'm telling you right now they won't. It doesn't sound like a good relationship. Why would you want to be with someone that causes you to be more upset than to be happy? That's just a waste of time and added stress you don't need. He's not going to change, so you're going to have to accept it or move on. Wouldn't you rather be with someone that makes you happy instead of someone you're fighting with everyday? It might be hard for awhile, but I PROMISE it gets easier and than one day you'll meet someone and be like wow I can't be believe I was missing out on this. It will be hard, but it'll be soo soo worth it in the end. Noone on here can tell you what to do, but you know deep down what you want and you just have to go with it. Hope all goes well! :)

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