Friday, August 12, 2011

What movie would you rather see?

I would say The Change Up. I for some reason thought that the trailer for Planet of the Apes made it look quite silly. I don't know maybe it won't be, just my opinion.

Should i be mad at my bf for this?comparing her to me.?

Aight, I'm a guy, and I con honestly say that some of us are stupid as ****, but things come out wrong sometimes, and he prolly feels like **** now lol, just tell him your upset over it and it'll make him sorry and feel more like **** haha, but dont get mad at him, cus ya know it did start out as him trying to compliment, so give him props for tryin haha

What are some good movies with plot twists?

Mind hunters, curse of the golden flower (chinese movie, really beautiful and is english dubbed), if youre into anime watch memories, session 9, quiet (30min film), and wolfcreek manor is okay. If you like anime at all that pretty much would give you your good plot twists like a 3 episode show called le petit portrait de cosette. Again, very beautiful but messed up.

Big problem at home with aunt.. help!?

So I live with my parents and my mom's sister. I really don't get along with my aunt so we don't speak. Whenever something of mine gets broken around the house.. my aunt is the one at home yet she doesn't tell me anything. I find out about it like a week later. I tell my mother about it so she can speak to her sister.. My mom instead goes against me saying that I like to look for problems.. This happens often and many of my things have been ruined because of it. My dad when he tries to speak to my aunt my mother also goes against him and they argue.. I don't know what to do anymore.. I blame my parents since they brought her to begin with.. but what could I do.. My mom feels that my aunt is the victim and that we are just mean..

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.

Why cant you prove to me,that we are made in gods image?

God was made in man's image. Unfortunately religious just have those blinders on so they refuse to see that that's the real truth.

Can I use a 203 W power supply with a 200 W step-down voltage converter?

The question pretty much says it all. I have a 203 W 100-127 V Xbox 360 power supply and a voltage converter rated for 200 W. I am currently in India, where there is a 220-240 V connection (I'm not quite sure exactly which). Will the load be too much for the voltage converter or is this difference negligible?