Friday, August 5, 2011

Can anyone help me with my dilemma?

I am jobless and love to trade stocks commodities and am pretty good at that( but dont have money for that as of now), but wouldn't like to work in stores-- hate that( and those are the only jobs I seem to get). Now I jointly own a residence property with my brother -- and its worth several million dollars and my share comes to 2 million upon sale of the property. The issue here is that my brother is expecting TOO MUCH Money from the property and is asking for a price it wont sell at. because of this I am stuck with no money-- although i am a millionaire in terms of LOCKED UP wealth... now my question to you guys is-- should I pick up a loan of say $ 50,000 and sit back paying interest to the bank/ money lender from the same amount -- it should last me 2 yrs at least ... meanwhile the residence property wills sell off because my brother's changing his mind and is now reedy to sell the property for less-- yet the process might take another 6- 8 months b4 i get the bucks in my hand..from that i will pay back the 50,000-which really will be a minuscule almost negligible amount of money. so should I pick up the loan? or should I go and break my back in a grocery store to earn 1000/ month. besides being always an owner of a big Business early on in life I find it extremely humiliating to stand in a store and ring in people as a cashier and stuff-- also i am getting along in years and don't have too much stamina-a sI used to have earlier on in life.. pls advise( what should I do in these circumstances)-- will appreciate good advice genuinely.. many thanks in advance

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